Linda Christas

Contribute to Our Reading Section: The State of Education

Affectionately called 'The Educator's Nightly Reader', this section of the Linda Christas web site has been made available specifically as an ongoing developmental instrument for parents, teachers, counselors and academic advisors - anyone involved with youth will find something of interest here.

The subjects addressed relate to the essential Linda Christas educational vision.

Each commentary is meant to be a seed for thoughtful consideration and further study.

Please visit The Educator's Nightly Reader often, as new articles of interest are added regularly.

We also invite the public to travel with us at Linda Christas as we investigate social phenomena as these relate to educational progress.

If you would like to submit an article for inclusion, the School would be pleased to review and consider it for posting.

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By clicking 'I Agree' below, author acknowledges that all works are hereby the sole intellectual property of Linda Christas and no royalties, rights or privileges (including advertising or Internet links) may be construed or attached to this agreement. Linda Christas reserves the right to edit or decline any article at its sole discretion, without notifying the author. Confidentiality: Linda Christas will not voluntarily share author's personal information (including email address) with any third party, except to place author's name on the article page.

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Other Pages of Interest

(I.A.S.C.) Frequently Asked Questions
Who or what is the I.A.S.C.? The I.A.S.C. is a group internationally known authors, former members of the military (both officers and regulars), physicians in private practice, scientists, radio and television personalities, pastors, business executives and citizens who have an interest in supporting an alternative concept regarding quality education in the United States. More....

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