Linda Christas

Linda Christas, Beijing, China

Dr. Leo Liu

Dr. Leo Liu, National Director, China

Recently, Dr. Leo Liu, Linda Christas Director, has opened a new office and workshop in Beijing.

This workshop will be used as a counseling and information center.

Dr. Liu often holds conferences for parents and students, and serves as coordinator for Linda Christas events in the Capital City.

Linda Christas, Shanghai, China

Dr. James Dong
Project Director

Lynn King, Regional Consultant

Lynn King and Lucky

Lynn (left) with student "Lucky"

Meet Lynn King, MA, Linda Christas Lead Program Regent, People's Republic of China, Shanghai.

Lynn has over twenty years of experience as a manager and consultant.

Her experience includes work with international corporations, as well as not-for-profits, government and educational entities.

Ms. King's impressive resume includes having served as Director of Human Resources and Organization Development for RAE Systems, Inc., and, Manager of Organizational Learning and Development for Rapid5 Networks, Inc.

Linda Christas Students, China

She has also worked with Educators for Social Responsibility, Creative Response to Conflict, and Ellen Raider International, Inc.

Ms. King holds a Master's Degree in Organizational Management from the Fielding Institute, and a Bachelor's Degree from Princeton University with concentrations in Visual Art, Art History and East Asian Studies.

In addition, Lynn has completed Beijing University's one year Chinese language program. She is also a certified Gestalt Organization and Systems Development Practitioner.

Next year, Linda Christas will be expanding its reach in China by including regencies in Dalian, Shenzhen, Nanjing and Xiamen. These new efforts will complement Lynn King's continued influence in the People's Republic.

Click here to view Linda Christas' College/University Application Counseling Program. You may also wish to view the Linda Christas Online Academy.

Article written by Lynn King - In Chinese followed by the English translation







当Linda Christas/明见咨询为每一位学生服务时,我们关心每个学生的“整体”。例如包括考虑他或她的学术能力、学习目标以及职业目标、兴趣爱好、家庭背景、社交规范以及其它许多方面。当我们为学生挑选“合适的大学”时,不仅仅只参考大学的学术优势以及声誉,并且还参考学校的教育目标、地理位置、校园文化、师生人数以及比例。我们还同时考虑到大学的课外活动、校友的忠诚度、就业服务、奖学金政策以及学校行政领导力。



明见咨询很荣幸能成为Linda Christas的合作伙伴,从而来帮助中国学生找到最“适合”自身的一所美国大学。参加我们项目的学生将会被我们的专家进行一对一的辅导。这些专家有着丰富的经验并且和美国最好的大学保持着良好的关系。

因为学生和指导专家一起努力从而能做出美国大学所希望看到的申请,通常学生在初中的时候就可以参加Linda Christas/明见咨询的项目。 学生越早“走上这条路”,最后的结果就越好。此外为了更好的帮助完成申请,还会提供签证面试指导Linda Christas/明见咨询还会在大一时提供咨询顾问服务。

最后,因为所有参加Linda Christas/明见咨询项目的学生都会受到领导力发展培训——多元文化意识以及多元文化沟通,这将会增加他们出国时的自信心从而更好地让他们在这个飞速发展的世界处于领导地位。

A “good fit” increases students’ rate of acceptance to universities

Youth are the world’s future!

As a parent of a university freshman myself, as well as a coach and trainer for today’s global business leaders in Asia, I know that there are many things young people need to learn in order to prepare for exciting careers and satisfying adult lives. Many of those things can be taught by parents and by extended families. However, many others need to be learned through individual experience and exploration.

Universities and colleges provide foundations or platforms upon which young people can develop and become the future persons they wish to be. There they will make life-long friends and be exposed to ideas that will shape their contributions to their own families as well as to the world community.

However, just as every person has unique qualities, strengths and weaknesses, so too do universities and colleges. The university experience represents a huge investment in both time and money. Since that is so, what can we do to make certain that a student receives the most from his or her investment?

One important thing that is often overlooked is the “fit” between a student and the university to which he or she is applying. By “fit” we mean matching the personal qualities of a student with what a particular university has to offer. The better the “fit” between the student and the university, the closer to 100% the chances of acceptance by the university become. A “good fit” also makes the university experience much happier. A “poor fit” may lead to feelings of not belonging, failure, depression, and possibly dropping out altogether.

When Linda Christas/Sage International takes on a student, we are interested in the “whole person.” That includes such considerations as his or her academic ability, learning and career goals, personal preferences, family background, socializing norms, and many others. When we look for the “right university” for that student, we are choosing a campus not only for its academic strengths and reputation, but also for its vision and mission, location and culture, faculty/student demographics and population size. We are also concerned with the university’s extracurricular activities, alumni loyalty, career services, policy regarding financial aid, and administrative leadership.

The better the "fit" between student and university, the better the student’s experience while attending. Most importantly, we have found that when the “fit” between the student and university is excellent, the student’s years of study translate into better career choices and, consequently, a more fulfilling adult life. In other words, the better the match between the talents and expectations of the student and the university’s ability to deliver on those expectations, the better the overall outcomes will be for both the student and the university.

A university not only wants to see its students be successful for the sake of the individual attending, but also because if a student is unhappy and fails to complete his or her degree, the university’s reputation suffers. Therefore, if the university in its evaluation of a student applicant determines that the “fit” between the student and the university is not good, the university will almost always reject that student both for the student’s sake as well as to preserve the university’s reputation for excellence.

Sage International is proud to be Linda Christas’ partner in assisting Chinese students to find the universities in the United States that are the best “fit” for them. Students enrolled in our programs are coached one-on-one by their own personal mentors -- mentors with wide experience and who maintain many excellent relationships with the finest universities America has to offer.

Because students and mentors work together over time to create the kind of application that the best U.S. universities want to see, often students will begin working with Linda Christas/Sage International as early as junior high school. The sooner students are provided with a “path to walk on,” the better the final result will be. In addition to help with the university selection and application process Linda Christas/Sage International services include visa interview coaching, and support counseling through their entire freshman year.

Finally, since all students going through the Linda Christas/Sage International program are considered future leaders they receive leadership development training in a key area -- intercultural awareness and communication. This will increase our students’ confidence abroad and better enable them to lead in the dynamic world of the future.

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