Linda Christas

Linda Christas Online College Programs

Admissions Information


online college learnersLinda Christas College's online learning is interactive. Students complete one course at a time in sequence.

Our Online Campus is the result of the College's recognition of the dramatic transformations that have taken place in the academic environment since 1990.

The US Department of Education's studies have demonstrated that the Linda Christas format is superior to the traditional classroom, if education is the goal of the experience. That is, for many college freshmen, education is secondary to being away from home for the first time. In that situation, college becomes a maturing period as opposed to focusing on the kinds of things Linda Christas is best at delivering. As a result, traditional four years of college is much more expensive, since housing and sports teams and all the other programs a traditional college provides are necessary to attract students using college as a maturation experience.

However, in the final analysis, students cannot earn a living sitting in the stands watching sports teams. They must offer employers solid skills, skills that, unfortunately, more than 50% of today's college graduates lack.

Online College StudentMature high school graduates, and working adults who have some college in their backgrounds are increasingly seeking a college format that does not require their immediate presence at one geographical location. In other words, many current students require that colleges build academic experiences around their, the students', schedules, rather than the other way around.

In order to respond to this demand, Linda Christas College has designed a system of study whereby students and instructors interact electronically, resulting in increased access to professors than would be possible in a traditional classroom setting.

The Linda Christas Online College allows students to work on their courses, no matter where or when they have the opportunity.

Formats used to complete the Associates, Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral Degrees are:

Tuition and Fees

Notice: In order to continue Linda Christas' efforts relative to reducing student debt, credit cards are not accepted by the Linda Christas Registrar's Office for the purpose of tuition payment. Student Loan and Scholarship Information is available through the Registrar's Office.

Linda Christas College Degree Programs

60 semester units

120 semester units

1 year MBA: 30 semester units (with project)

2 year MBA: 60 semester units (without project)

Concentrations available:

  • Environmental Sustainability: 60 semester units
  • Entrepreneurship
  • General Business Management

2 year Ph.D: 60 semester units (with thesis and thesis defense)

3 year Ph.D: 90 semester units (without thesis and thesis defense)

Concentrations available:

  • Environmental Sustainability (Green)
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Business Start-Up
  • Teaching
  • Consulting
  • General Business Management
  • Organization Business Practices
  • Management Consulting

All courses accredited by International Association of Schools and Colleges.

Sampling of Courses Currently Offered by the Linda Christas College Business Department to Address Various Business Degree Concentrations

the world of business

Some of the courses the student might take include:

  • Cross-cultural Psychology
  • International Business
  • Multinational Management
  • Organizational Design and Environment
  • International Trade
  • International Marketing

Some of the courses the student might take include:

  • Marketing Research
  • Marketing Strategy
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Marketing Communications
  • Pricing Policies
  • Social Psychology

Some of the courses the student might take include:

  • Business Process Management
  • Logistics Management
  • Small Business Consulting
  • Information Technology Management
  • New Product Development
  • Project Management

Some of the courses the student might take include:

  • Purchasing
  • Marketing to Business and Government
  • Logistics Management
  • Information Technology Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Business-to-Business Selling

Some of the courses the student might take include:

  • Social Psychology
  • IT Management
  • Human Resources
  • New Product Development
  • Logistics
  • Business Law
  • Social Psychology
  • Entrepreneurship and Small Business Formation
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Legal Strategies for Entrepreneurial Firms
  • Small Business Consulting
  • Financing Emerging Businesses
  • Environmental Sustainability/Business Relationships

Additional Information

business graduate in recording studioWhat is the goal of the Linda Christas Business Program?

Answer: Every graduate of the Linda Christas School of Business is prepared to function at the highest levels of competence in the areas of communication, decision making, strategic planning, goal setting and organizational leadership. Stated differently, a business degree is a solid foundation for any number of future business careers.

What kind of job will I get when I graduate?

Answer: Most business majors will start as management generalists, gaining experience and company/industry knowledge. Many will participate in a formal management trainee program. Long term, many management majors choose to further their education with an advanced degree.

Linda Christas College bachelor's degree holders are provided a lifetime employment assistance service. What does that service involve?

Answer: All Linda Christas College degree holders qualify for the free lifetime employment assistance service which has resulted in a dramatic decrease in the unemployment rates of Linda Christas graduates versus graduates of traditional colleges and universities. Employers are finding that online graduates are proven self starters, more mature and have learned more during their college years than the average on-campus student.

a business person's agreementThe employment services include:

See also: Linda Christas College Green Initiative for information on the Environmental Studies/Social Responsibility Degree programs.

Other Pages of Interest

I.A.S.C. Accreditation Criteria
The following are the criteria used by I.A.S.C. in determining the status and term of accreditation for schools and assemblies (Junior and Senior High School level): The degree to which presentation of curriculum by the school or assembly is based on the individual students interests .. More....

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