Linda Christas College's Consultancy
Scholarship - Order - Understanding - Reason - Character - Education

THE SOURCE is a one stop Analytical Projects, Problem Solving, Training, Consultancy superstore where a business, agency or individual can quickly locate a fully vetted, highly competent single individual or team who have had successful real life experience in the area of the expertise required.
Whether our client needs to solve a problem, construct a scenario, develop a proposal, reorganize a business, avoid a disaster, edit a script, train an army, build a fort or do just about anything to forward a goal requiring hard won expertise, THE SOURCE can meet the challenge.
Along with the ad hoc teaching of Linda Christas College's 5,000 plus accomplished student body, our two hundred and fifty doctors represent a basic mastery of man's accumulated knowledge and skill.
It is said that the last time one source had mastered all of man's knowledge was during the 17th century in the person of John Donne.
This is true no more. Such a situation now is within reach of everyone through THE SOURCE. What our doctors don't know, they can find within hours.
Said differently, knowledge and skill, that has been typically out of the reach of anyone without significant research power and financial resources, is now available within hours vis a vie our doctors.
Whether the subject is Glass Engineering, String Theory Mathematics, Agribusiness or Identifying a Business Problem via Short Interval Scheduling, with one contact to THE SOURCE's project coordinator, Linda Christas' Dean Emeritus, the matching of a need with the appropriate knowledge and skill is only hours away.

Before THE SOURCE, when a firm, agency or individual had a need for hard to find knowledge or expertise, if it could be found at all, it was only surfaced after a long series of contacts, after which, whether the individual of group identified had the proper background and tools to respond to the need was still an unknown. And, caveat emptor was still in full force and effect.
This problem vanished with the founding of THE SOURCE.
All our experts have had well documented successes ferreting out the solution to the most difficult problems, academic or practical, whether they be the authentication of newly discovered pieces of music by one of the Bachs or discovering the most efficient methods of assembling hybrids; whether one needs to have the best minds available for a corporate reorganization or requires information relative to the laws of Switzerland with respect to an incident which occurred while traveling, THE SOURCE will be able to address the need.
And, BEST OF ALL, once a business, agency or individual is a client, as problems or needs change, THE SOURCE is always just a message away. The client is just moments from communicating with someone possessing world class knowledge and skill in the new area of interest.
THE SOURCE - the one stop consultive superstore.
Clients Find All They Need All the Time
(Our New Clients Are Always Surprised by THE SOURCE'S Three Project Allowances)
- California Highway Patrol
- Crocker Bank
- McDonnell Douglas
- State of Texas
- UpJohn Pharmaceutical
and 300 other leading companies and agencies
- THE SOURCE forgoes payment for services rendered except as a percentage of bottom line net profit improvement above ten percent during the first six months of implementation - AV (Audit Verified).
- THE SOURCE forgoes all payment for services if net profits improve less than 10% after the first six months of implementation - AV.
- THE SOURCE forgoes payment for services for all net profit improvements above 36% during the first six months of implementation - AV.
Risks of Bringing in a Consultancy
One of the most difficult decisions a corporate executive must make in troubled times is to bring in a consultancy.
Often that decision, if not handled properly, can cause a corporate board to question the leaders they have in place.
Unfortunately, Boards and Corporate Leadership can sometimes be their own worst enemies when it comes to steering a company away from rocks that threaten a corporate ship. With so many egos and jobs at stake, frequently it becomes virtually impossible to take an objective snapshot of where the company is, both internally and in the marketplace. This is similar to an aircraft plunging toward Earth with several hands grabbing for the controls.
THE SOURCE Consultant Information
THE SOURCE Business Consultants are all seasoned executives who now serve as ad hoc instructors with the Linda Christas College of Business.
Anyone assigned to your project will have hands-on experience successfully managing a business or department of the kind you have.
Anyone assigned to your project will be able to fully empathize with the dilemmas you are facing.
Anyone assigned to your project will come to you fully prepared to assist at any level of your organization.
Standard Study Area
Short Interval Problem Identification
Identifying problems that are reducing productivity - a task sometimes difficult or impossible to accomplish by internal management.
By the time problems surface in ways that are visible to managers, the cause or causes may not be accurately identifiable.
In other words, problems often do not surface in areas of the company, and at the time management judges them to have occurred.
As a result, actions taken are often inappropriate, and exacerbate the company's woes.
Strategy and Implementation
Once the Identification Cycle of a project is complete, we are faced with planning a strategy to correct the problems surfaced.
Typically this involves no loss or gain in staffing, but rather staff doing what they have known at some level would improve the bottom line all along, but have not been able to translate their knowledge into action.
Often obstacles to implementation of strategies are not visible to anyone internally, the forest through the trees analogy being all too familiar to experienced executives.
Examples of Private Sector Study Success Areas
Aerospace and Defense Firms - Average market share improvement 31% - Cost pressure review. Quality control and supplier relation improvements. No pay to THE SOURCE until improvements and margin increases are verified by independent audit.
Automotive Suppliers - Total quality objectives at sharply lower costs. No pay to THE SOURCE until margin increases are verified by independent audit.
Consumer Durable Producers - Greater ability to satisfy demand of less flexible superstores and outlets resulting from retail consolidations. Quick, accurate demand response. Methodologies necessary to forecast, meet and exceed performance expectations. No pay to THE SOURCE until balance sheet improvement is verified using agreed upon base period verified by independent audit.
Finance Organizations - Strategies for entering new markets. Integrations from Boardroom to ATMs. Dramatic balance sheet improvements as a result of implementing recommendations. No pay to THE SOURCE until improvements are verified by independent audit.
Office Products and Office Automation Suppliers - Methods of pushing back on low cost foreign competitors. 20% improvement over base period in contract wins. Mitigating innovations which put excessive priority on inappropriate sections of the company. No pay to THE SOURCE until improvements are verified via independent audit.
Packaging and Printing - organizational cost savings offset by investments in technology. Mitigation of savings losses. No pay to THE SOURCE until savings are verified via independent audit.
Personal Care and other nondurable manufacturers - Learning to adapt quickly to changing consumer habits. Formation of supplier alliances. 40% average overall balance sheet improvement. No payments to THE SOURCE until balance sheet improvements are verified via independent audit.
Pharmaceutical Firms - Production support and laboratory productivity. 36% increase in profit margins with both internal stress reduction, and consumer price reductions. No pay to THE SOURCE until margins are verified through independent audits.